Pop-up news
The Pop-Up Chess Set (Kickstarter) (March 1, 2022 12:44 am)
Pop-Up Funk (Kickstarter Project) (January 26, 2020 8:05 pm)
Mind-Blowing Pop-Up Books (July 14, 2019 6:30 pm)
The upcoming World of Warcraft pop-up book (February 4, 2019 12:11 am)
2018 Meggendorfer Prize winners! (September 30, 2018 4:07 pm)

New! BestPopUpBooks Forum

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Great news! This is something that’s on our list for a long time but it’s finally here, a Community Forum for Paper Engineers and pop-up book collectors! We would like to invite you to take a look and create an account on our brand new forum. It’s free and will take less than a minute to register. This is a forum for everybody: Professional Paper Engineers, hobbyists, collectors or enthusiasts of pop-up books, paper art and paper engineering.

Just like any other new community board, this forum will take some time to fill up with posts and members. But we have to start somewhere and today is the big day everything is ready and all set to launch. So bear with us! We really hope that this Forum will grow into a beautiful community with members inspiring and helping each other. You can help by posting your work or collection items or share our forum with your friends and family.

5 reasons to join

The BestPopUpBooks Community Forum will be:

  • All about Paper Engineering and Collecting
  • Totaly free and accessible for everybody!
  • A fun place to meet other engineers and collectors
  • A source for us to find news and work to share on our platform
  • A place to find inspiration and ideas

Start directly and register here to become a member of the Community Forum.

row-emoticonsCustom Emoticons

We also added a set of extra emoticons to the forum! Easy to implement when you’re writing a post and need some decoration for your text.


Forum board index

Below you’ll find all the subforum categories that are available. By clicking the title, you’ll go directly to the subforum. These categories may change over time but we think that for now, this will cover most of the subjects that you can post about. Subforums may be empty at the moment because this forum is brand new and needs some time to gather new posts and members.


Forum related Forum updates, announcements, community questions & feedback

BestPopUpBooks Updates, news, events and everything else related to BestPopUpBooks.com

Nice to meet you! Introduce yourself to the members of this community


Pop-ups and movables Share your progress, ask questions or discuss techniques about pop-ups and movables

Origami and kirigami Share your progress, ask questions or discuss techniques about origami and kirigami

Paper toys and sculptures Share your progress, ask questions or discuss techniques about paper toys and sculptures

Paper cutting and art Share your progress, ask questions or discuss techniques about paper cutting and paper art

Tools & supplies Everything about Paper Engineering tools and supplies

Manufacturing and publishing Everything about manufacturing, publishing and crowdfunding


Pop-up and movable books Share your collection or discuss collecting pop-ups and movables

Paper art, toys and sculptures Share your collection or discuss collecting paper art, toys and sculptures

Events Share or review events and fairs for collectors

Trading and selling Trade, sell or buy items and books form other collectors

Wanted Let the community know what titles or items you’re looking for

Handy links

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback. You can send your questions by DM to the forum Admin BestPopUpBooks. To help you on your way, we’ve made a selection of forum links to get started: Register as a new member: Forum registration Frequently Asked Questions: Forum FAQ General forum: Forum related topics

Watch our video reviews, discover books on our ranking lists, find the best pop-up books for kids and much more! We will also keep you updated on new pop-up book releases.

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