Pop-up news
The Pop-Up Chess Set (Kickstarter) (March 1, 2022 12:44 am)
Pop-Up Funk (Kickstarter Project) (January 26, 2020 8:05 pm)
Mind-Blowing Pop-Up Books (July 14, 2019 6:30 pm)
The upcoming World of Warcraft pop-up book (February 4, 2019 12:11 am)
2018 Meggendorfer Prize winners! (September 30, 2018 4:07 pm)

All posts by Rosston Meyer

Rosston Meyer and his studio Poposition are known for projects like the Pop-Up Funk book and The Pop-Up Art Book. Meyer makes popup books with visual artists, transforming their work into pop-up spreads.

junko mizuno triad pop-up book

Junko Mizuno’s Triad Pop-Up Book (pre...

Sep 13, 2016Comments off

It’s finally here! Junko Mizuno’s Triad pop-up book is now available for pre-order at the brand new website triadpopup.com. The Triad pop-up book is a collective art

Rosston Meyer from Poposition Press (Interv...

Jan 15, 2016Comments off

Left: Rosston Meyer, right: Marc Meyer We’ve just published a video review on our YouTube channel about The Pop-Up Art Book. An amazing collection of

